These last few months, Jared and I have grown so much closer than we ever have in our, almost two years of marriage. It's also the first time that we've lived away from both of our families. We've missed them like crazy, but we have learned to grow on our own, with the help of the Lord. And it's been a great experience.
I remember a few months ago when our first car was having MAJOR problems and we had to walk 5 miles, and then some just to pick it up. I remember the excitement that we felt, when we realized that we wouldn't have to put up with that car anymore and were able to buy our next car with cash. I remember the discouragement my husband felt, when the company that he really wanted to apprentice with, called and told him that they wouldn't have any positions available for him when he finished school...but oh the joy, when later on that same day, we got a call from another company that said that they had a position available for him and he'd be able to start in the next few weeks! It was fun to walk through Cabelas (the coolest outdoor store in the WORLD) and dream of collecting a bunch of camping stuff, kayaks and griddles, tents and fishing poles and dream of the fun traditions that we want to make with our own kids, one day. :) I remember the time of walking through Babies R Us, looking at future baby items for our little angels, that will hopefully come to see us soon. :) This last weekend was fun, going to the Boise temple for the first time with Jared and doing temple work together, just the two of us and seeing all of the cute newlyweds, with sparkles in their eyes, on the road to starting their new adventures. I loved having dinner ready for him when he walked through the door, muddy and exhausted after a long day of school and being his little "cheerleader." Did we think that we'd be spending four months in a hotel? No...but it's been so much fun! Life is just full of surprises! And just like that good ole' Jodee Messina song, "You gotta role with the punches." :) So, that's what we're doing right now. Rollin' with the punches and ready for our next journey!
Life is a bit scary, when you're unsure of what is next....but when you put your faith in God and trust him to guide you, you know everything is gonna be alright. :)
Congratulations to my Bubba for finishing school and graduating on Friday! I'm so proud of my man! :)